45-летняя мать семерых детей выглядит также, как и ее дочь

Какая молодец 🔥! Вы только задумайтесь: 45 лет, 7 детей и фигура фитоняшки!

Героиню нашей сегодняшней истории зовут Джессика Энслоу. 45-летняя американка выглядит значительно моложе своих лет, хотя она воспитывает семерых детей. О том, как ей удалось добиться такой внешности, женщина рассказывает на своей странице в Инстаграм.

Она начала вести блог после рождения седьмого ребенка. Тогда она удивила многих неожиданно стройной фигурой, по которой не скажешь, что женщина хотя бы один раз рожала.


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Family is everything.. even if they mean muggin’ in their @kswiss 😼😂 Happy Hump Day y’all!

Публикация от Jessica Enslow (@jessicaenslow)

Она рассказала, что после рождения первой дочери Алисии осознала, насколько располнела. Она не могла натянуть на себя джинсы, из-за чего едва не впала в депрессию. Но Джессика вовремя взяла себя в руки и занялась спортом.


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At 24 I thought I was too old, too uneducated, too talentless and had missed any opportunity of being anything in life. At 45 I am living my best life. 😎✌🏼 Lol! Okay, well, maybe I could be richer, live on a tropical island with a maid, chef and nanny 😂 but what I’m saying is, there is NOTHING that will stop me from pursuing my dreams and passions! I do feel like having the internet and social media has created a much bigger shift for all of us though. We don’t have to be “approved” or even have a degree to create, share and build. So own your dreams and take the opportunities that lie before you! Swipe for some major inspo from @melrobbins & Paul J Meyer! Happy Thursday 🤍 #tbt

Публикация от Jessica Enslow (@jessicaenslow)

После рождения второго ребенка она снова вернулась к упражнениям и быстро вернула фигуру.

Джессика рассказала, что после пятого и шестого ребенка занималась на беговой дорожке и выполняла простые упражнения.


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MERRY CHRISTMAS! We ALL made it together this year! 🤗🎄🎁 ♥️ xx, The Enslow’s * * #merrychristmas2019 #bigfamily #christmascheer

Публикация от Jessica Enslow (@jessicaenslow)

Она начинала с умеренной нагрузки в формате обычного фитнеса, но затем начала усложнять себе задачи. После первых серьезных успехов Джессика наняла личного тренера.

Поначалу ей приходилось считать каждую калорию, но теперь она выработала план правильного питания. Тренируется женщина не менее 2 раз в неделю.


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GIVEAWAY CLOSED With the upcoming holidays, here’s a perfect opportunity for you to have some extra cash for gifts, traveling or to simply treat yourself! 🎁 I am giving away a $2,000 cash prize! To enter: 1. GO TO @alistmegiveaway 2. Follow EVERYONE they follow. 3. Return to My Instagram page and tell me how you would spend the $2000! This contest will end by 7:00 pm PST Wednesday October 16th 2019. One winner will be announced on the @alistmegiveaway Instagram page by Friday October 18th 2019 at 7:00 pm PST. Giveaway Open Worldwide. Please Note: This SWEEPSTAKES is in no way sponsored, administered, or associated with Instagram. By entering, entrants confirm they are 18+ years of age, release Instagram of responsibility and liability, and agree to Instagram’s term of use. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law. The winner must verify eligibility by providing Government ID. Full terms & conditions can be found on the www.a-listme.com website

Публикация от Jessica Enslow (@jessicaenslow)

Глядя на совместное фото 45-летней Джессики и ее 25-летней дочери Алисии, сложно поверить, что перед нами девушки с разницей в 20 лет.

Посмотрите другие снимки Джессики.


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Do you count calories, macros or eat intuitively? My FIVE biggest tips for weight control while eating intuitively (No counting calories or macros!) are up on my YouTube Channel! 🎥 ** LINK IN BIO** I’ve done it all and eating intuitively is my favorite, by far, if I’m actually doing it right! This picture was taken less than 4 months after starting a primarily Whole Foods Plant-based Diet and eating intuitively. I also had decreased my exercise and lost more fat than when I was on a regular diet and exercising more, so as a reminder to myself, I thought going over these tips would be a great refresher for me as well! Happy New Week! 🌱 I’ve got some new goals! 👊🏼

Публикация от Jessica Enslow (@jessicaenslow)


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PREGNANCY TRANSFORMATIONS COUNT! 🤰🏻🤱🏻One thing that really makes me shake my head is when someone comments that it isn’t fair to compare a pregnant or new mother’s body to whatever transformation she may have achieved at a distant time in the future. Maybe for some women their bodies bounce right back, but I can say for me, that it didn’t 🙅🏻‍♀️It took work; consistent (sometime hard) work over the last 24 years since giving birth to my first baby. It usually took me a full year to feel like my body was getting back to normal. Then there’s all the fatigue and emotional/hormonal changes. 😭 I’ve experienced weight gain related and unrelated to pregnancy. They BOTH can be challenging! I don’t ever want new moms to think that if they haven’t bounced right back in a few months after giving birth that they have failed or that they can’t ever get fit again if they want to. If you’re nursing, it isn’t even healthy to restrict calories or exercise too much! Heck, it wasn’t healthy for me 4 years postpartum when I over trained and neglected getting the proper nutrients! So ladies, let’s lift each other up and NOT tear each other down. Let’s support each other as women as much as we can & if we can’t then can we at least just 🤐🙏🏼 Happy New Year mamas! Let’s go after our goals and stay positive! 🙌🏼💕

Публикация от Jessica Enslow (@jessicaenslow)

P.S. Кстати, пользователи Сети оценили по достоинству ее упорство и стремление к совершенству. На ее Инстаграм подписаны уже более 230 тысяч фолловеров.

Наш инстаграм — @intrendru

